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150+ Process Essay Topics for Students: Easy & Engaging Ideas

process essay topics

If you look around the world, you’ll quickly see that it’s full of complex processes. From how bees make hives to how sanitation systems are created and maintained in major cities, complexity is everywhere. These complex processes are the subject of an exciting yet often difficult essay – the process essay.

Although process essays are among the most difficult essays for many people, they don’t have to be. Keep reading to learn what process essays are and 140+ topics that will stimulate your mind.

What’s a Process Essay?

In your quest to become a top-tier paper writer, you’ve probably already written a number of different types of essays. You probably know how to write a history essay. And I’m sure you also know how to write a proposal essay, among other types of essays. You can use most of that essay writing experience here, but before we begin, let’s look at what a process essay is.

A process essay is an in-depth examination of any process, natural or man-made. Process essays are closely related to “how to” essays, although many professors and writers believe there is a difference.

Typical “how to” essays guide the reader through the process of building something, for example, but process essays tend to go a bit deeper. A typical process essay will explore the inner workings of a more complex process. It will examine how things work, and more in-depth essays will even examine why they work the way they do. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples for clarity.

A process essay about digestion would examine each of the steps in the process. The goal is to make very complex steps or theories understandable to the reader. This can be done with topics from a wide range of subjects.

For example, a history process essay may involve understanding the process that ended World War II. This essay would examine all of the steps, from Allied victories on the battlefield to the final surrenders signed by the Germans and Japanese.

As you choose the topic for your essay, it’s important to know the elements that make a good process essay.

Depth, Detail, and Specificity:

This is probably the most important element of a good process essay. Although you can write a process essay that is also a “how to” paper, what makes it a true process essay is the depth. Delve deep into the process and ask why and how.

Also, you may start out with a topic that is a bit wide, such as “civil legal processes,” but you need to make it more specific. From civil legal processes, you can create a more specific essay, such as “the lawsuit process” or “the process to bring a libel suit.”


Your process should be relevant to your audience. If you’re writing for a college class, it should be a bit more complex than if it was for high school.

Practicality, Feasibility, and Clarity:

Your process essay should be practical in the sense that information will be useful or interesting to the reader. And you should be able to find enough information during your research to make writing the paper feasible.

Finally, your topic, as well as your writing, should be clear and easy to follow. The topic you’re writing about may be complex, but it’s your job to make it more understandable for the readers.

With that definition of a process essay and its key elements in mind, here are 140+ topic ideas to help you brainstorm.

Easy Process Essay Topics

  • Describe the process of making a new friend
  • What’s the process you use to clean your room?
  • The steps to make a cold-cut sandwich
  • Describe the process of buying a new pair of shoes
  • What’s the process you follow to save money for a trip?
  • What’s the process for throwing a surprise party?
  • What’s the process you follow for your “morning routine”?
  • Describe the process of mowing your lawn
  • Describe the process of helping someone move
  • The steps of sewing a patch on a jacket

Funny Process Essay Topics

  • What steps can you take to avoid political arguments at Thanksgiving?
  • Describe the process of coming up with a good joke
  • Describe the process of scheduling two dates in one night
  • The steps to get out of household chores
  • What’s the process you follow to avoid paying for lunch with your coworkers?
  • Describe the process of proving that Big Foot exists
  • What steps would you take to become a superhero?
  • Describe the process of telepathically communicating with your pets
  • The steps to become a politician who isn’t corrupt
  • Describe the process of counting your pennies

Good Process Essay Topics

  • Describe the steps you take to interview for a job
  • What are the steps to house-train a new puppy?
  • The steps to develop a strong mind
  • Describe the process of successfully buying a new car
  • Describe the steps to learn a new language
  • What steps do you take to cook fish properly?
  • The steps to successfully navigate the “deep web”
  • Describe the process of changing the oil on your car
  • What is the process of learning how to kayak?
  • Describe the process of driving on congested freeways

Interesting Process Essay Topics

  • What’s the process of running a political campaign?
  • Describe the process of water freezing on a lake
  • The steps to take your home “off the grid”
  • Describe the taxidermy process
  • What are the steps to protect your home?
  • Describe the process of adopting a child
  • Describe the process of cleaning/butchering a fish
  • What’s the process of training to be a powerlifter?
  • Describe the process of making an independent film
  • The steps to fix a broken window
  • Describe the brainstorming process

Process Essays by Academic Level

Process Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Describe the process of applying for college
  • What’s the process you follow to study for entrance exams?
  • The steps of learning how to drive
  • Steps to volunteer after school
  • Describe the process of joining a sports team
  • Describe the process of getting a prom date
  • What steps can you take to get along better with your parents?
  • Describe the process of shoveling snow from your driveway
  • The steps to raise your GPA
  • Describe the process of opening your first savings account

Process Essay Topics for College Students

  • Describe the process of making extra money in college
  • Describe the process of applying for graduate schools
  • The steps to find a job after graduation
  • What’s the process of writing a good resume?
  • Describe the process of alcohol poisoning
  • The process to increase your study time
  • Describe the process of choosing a college major
  • What are the steps to ace your finals?
  • Describe the process of getting a scholarship
  • The steps to develop a good relationship with your professors
  • Describe the process of finding an apartment

Process Essay Topics by Subject

Science and Technology

  • The steps to buy a new computer
  • Describe the process of cryptocurrency payments
  • Describe the process of photosynthesis
  • Describe the process of evolution
  • What are the steps to build an EV vehicle?
  • Describe the process of microevolution
  • What’s the process of building a space station?
  • Describe the process of digestion
  • What are the steps to create a chatbot?
  • What steps do you take to make a successful social media page?
  • Describe the process of flight

Health and Fitness

  • What’s the process to lower your blood pressure
  • Describe the process of adding muscle mass
  • How did home fitness become a major industry?
  • Describe the process of processed foods
  • Describe the process that connects a healthy body to a healthy mind
  • The steps to create a home gym
  • What’s the process you use to lose weight?
  • Describe the process of running a marathon
  • Describe the process of liposuction
  • The steps to grow and raise your own food
  • Describe how acne forms
  • How do weight loss drugs work?

Business and Finance

  • Describe the process of starting a small business
  • Describe the loan process
  • How does the Federal Reserve system work?
  • How is money exchanged internationally?
  • Describe the process of “insider trading”
  • Describe how interest rates work
  • What’s the process of launching an IPO?
  • Describe the gold mining process
  • The steps to incorporate a company
  • Describe the money printing process
  • How do “offshore” bank accounts work?
  • Describe the process of bankruptcy

Arts and Entertainment

  • How do musicians become famous?
  • Describe the process of starting an acting career
  • Describe how artists begin their process
  • The steps to become a social media influencer
  • Describe the book writing process
  • How did entertainment become a billion-dollar industry?
  • The steps artists take to stay “true” to their styles
  • Describe the process of special effects
  • Describe the process of manufacturing different paint
  • What’s the process of learning art style?

Education and Study Tips

  • Describe the process of “cramming” for an exam
  • Describe how teachers’ unions form
  • How does rote learning work?
  • What’s the process to improve your creative writing skills?
  • Describe how the NCAA formed
  • The steps students take to improve their math scores
  • Describe how school districts are formed
  • What’s the process of funding schools?
  • Describe the process of tutoring
  • How does security work in modern schools?
  • Describe the process of writing a research paper

Process Analysis Essay Topics by Subject

Cooking, Food, and Drinks

  • Describe the process of salting food
  • Describe the fermentation process
  • What are the steps to prepare a vegan meal?
  • How does a microwave oven work?
  • Describe the distillation process
  • How is natural gas brought to the oven in your home?
  • How does refrigeration work?
  • Describe the process of smoking food
  • The steps to carbonate beverages
  • Describe the process of preparing fowl for human consumption
  • What are the steps to create a true gourmet meal?

Engineering and Architecture

  • What are the steps to build a bridge?
  • Describe how the pyramids of Egypt were built
  • Describe the process of building a skyscraper
  • The steps taken to create a blueprint
  • How are tunnels through mountains made?
  • Describe the process of building a dam
  • What are the steps needed to build a retaining wall?
  • Describe the process of building an underground city
  • Describe how the cathedrals of Europe were built
  • Describe the phases of the architectural process


  • Describe how World War I began
  • What was the process people used to make iron weapons
  • Describe the process of diplomacy in the ancient world
  • How did animal domestication develop?
  • What were the different stages of battle in the Middle Ages?
  • The steps people used to irrigate land in ancient Mesopotamia
  • Describe how writing developed
  • Describe the process of immigration in nineteenth-century America
  • How were elephants tamed for warfare?
  • Describe the process of making chain mail
  • What steps did the British government take to avoid the American Revolution?
  • Describe Roman road building

Law and Order

  • Describe the lawsuit process
  • How did the first police departments form?
  • What are the steps during divorce proceedings?
  • Describe the bail hearing process
  • The steps to get into law school
  • Describe the process of serving a person legal papers
  • What are the steps needed to make an arrest?
  • Describe the process of writing a legal brief
  • How does a grand jury function?
  • Describe the process of creating a new law

Process Your Writing Success!

Writing a process essay can be a challenging yet rewarding task. The difficulty level of crafting an excellent process essay is high, but if you take the time and follow the tips in this article, you’ll be on your way to success.

Look at the topics listed in this article as a starting point. They’re here to get your creative juices flowing and help you with the brainstorming process. Feel free to use any of them. Eventually, though, I guarantee that you’ll start coming up with your own process essay topics that are equally as good!

The essay writing process is a journey, and as you go on this path, you’ll have some ups and downs. Just remember to always stay positive, learn from your mistakes, and be open to new ideas.

Above all, have fun with your writing!

Elissa Smart Elissa Smart
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