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Your Go-To List of 200 Problem Solution Essay Topics

problem solution essay topics

As you move forward with your college experience, you’ll find that your writing assignments get a little more difficult and complex. They will require you to do more research, structure your essay perfectly, and make sound, cogent, and logical arguments. You will also learn how to write different types of essays, including compare and contrast essays, cause and effect essays, and problem solution essays. Problem solution essays can present some obstacles for even great paper writers, so let’s dive into what a problem solution essay is and how to write one before looking at 200 problem solution topics that can help you with the brainstorming process.

What Is a Problem Solution Essay?

First, we need to define what a problem solution essay is. A problem solution essay follows a similar format essay to most other types of essays, but the focus is on a specific problem, which the writer then offers a solution. A standard problem solution essay will require you to do more research than most other types of essays because you’ll be required to know what the problem is and to offer a solution or solutions that are logical and supported by evidence. In other words, this is not an opinion essay, and although the solution you offer to the problem may be something that you believe in, your solution must be supported by objective facts.

How to Choose a Problem Solution Essay Topic?

Now that you know what a problem solution essay is, you’re probably wondering: “What should I write my college essay about?” The answer to this question will depend on a few things. If your professor is assigning you a very specific problem solution topic, then you’re ready to read the next step, but if your professor is letting you decide, then this will take some thought.

The first step is to think of some common problems in the world. It helps to categorize problems in a list or chart before you even begin. We’ll cover some useful categories later in this blog, but for now, it’s important to consider some other aspects of topic choice. You need to consider a topic that interests you and one where there is plenty of available evidence. It’s also not a bad idea to consider your reader(s), in most cases your professor, and what he/she may find interesting or not. It may help to think of problem solution essays as similar to a “how to” or instructional essay because you are guiding the reader about how to solve a particular problem.

Problem Solution Essay Topics by Category

Controversial Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • Solutions to end religious wars.
  • The quickest way to end drug addiction.
  • The most effective ways to stop terrorism.
  • How can teen pregnancy be reduced?
  • The most effective policies to reduce recidivism.
  • The best way to reduce youth violence.
  • Solutions to illegal immigration.
  • How can food deserts be eliminated?
  • Policies to raise the birthrates in certain countries.
  • The best way(s) to address the gender wage gap.
  • Solutions to stop teen bullying.
  • Alternatives to scientific experiments on animals.
  • Most efficient way to reduce unemployment.
  • How to address language barriers in the workplace.
  • Policies to reduce ethnic conflict in the world.
  • How to reduce overpopulation in certain countries.
  • Addressing rising medical care costs.
  • Solutions for rising inflation.
  • The best way(s) to ensure politicians stay relatively honest.
  • How to address the growing class divide.
  • The best policy to ensure personal privacy.
  • Solutions for the binge drinking epidemic on college campuses.
  • How to reduce divorce rates in a society.

Easy Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • The best ways to reduce daily stress
  • How to keep a relationship from becoming toxic.
  • How to reduce personal debt.
  • Solutions for overcoming the fear of public speaking.
  • The best ways to reduce obesity.
  • Policies that improve drivers’ safety.
  • How to reduce sibling rivalry in a family.
  • Solutions to driving anxiety.
  • Methods to deal with a bad boss.
  • The best ways to find a job.
  • How to explain to your children that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus aren’t real.
  • The best ways to reduce the time you spend in front of a TV or computer screen.
  • How to deal with office gossip.
  • The best method to get at least seven hours of sleep a night.
  • Solutions to procrastination in your life.
  • How to pay for a college education.
  • Methods to deal with a bully.
  • Solutions for writer’s block.
  • How to save money on gas.
  • Policies that increase literacy rates.
  • How to deal with a bad neighbor.
  • Solutions to raise low grades in school.
  • Policies that reduce the teen vaping epidemic.

Fun Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • The most effective way to wash your dog.
  • Remedies for the common hangover.
  • How to cure boredom during a long road trip.
  • How to keep from laughing in a serious situation.
  • Methods to deal with a whiny friend.
  • Solutions for having no phone signal during a camping trip.
  • Some ways to get your cat to follow your commands.
  • How to cook steak and eggs with no oven or stove available.
  • Solutions to deal with your significant other’s annoying best friend.
  • The best way to invite yourself to a cool party that you weren’t invited to.
  • How to keep your cat from eating your pet bird.
  • What are some ways you could make the apocalypse enjoyable?
  • Solutions to addressing someone whose name you can’t stand.
  • How to drive over the speed limit without getting pulled over.
  • The best ways to stay warm during a winter camping trip.
  • Determining the line between offensive and edgy jokes.
  • Solutions for men who are self-conscious about bald spots.
  • How can you keep your frozen food frozen without a refrigerator.
  • Safe solutions to opening a can when you have no can opener.
  • The best ways to make people laugh who don’t think you’re funny.
  • How to clean up your image when you’re known as a slob.

Good Problem Solution Essay Topics

  • Steps that can be taken to help a clinically depressed friend.
  • The best ways to make a million dollars.
  • How can a person meet multiple deadlines effectively at work?
  • Transportation solutions for people with no automobiles.
  • Some methods to overcome the fear of flying.
  • The best ways to win over in-laws who don’t like you.
  • Policies that can alleviate traffic in your neighborhood.
  • Solutions for voting fraud.
  • Some ways to reduce high electricity and water bills.
  • How to rebound from a bad investment(s).
  • Ways to reduce crime in your neighborhood.
  • How to deal with an out-of-control child.
  • Solutions for the homeless problem in America.
  • How to overcome altitude sickness.
  • The best ways to tell an extremely demanding friend “no.”
  • Solutions to enjoy fresh air when you work inside all day.
  • How to save money on home maintenance.
  • Things you can do when unexpected guests show up at your dinner party.
  • Some ways to describe something that is impossible to visualize.
  • Solutions to tone down a heated political debate among friends.
  • Policies that can help families who have children with learning disabilities.
  • Ways to keep your pet safe in a dog park.
  • The best ways to explain the death of a loved one to a child.
  • Methods to deal with a friend who’s lying.

Problem Solution Essay Topics about Education

  • How to integrate homeschooled kids more with their community.
  • Policies that can bring better resources to low tax base rural school districts.
  • Policies that can reduce the cost of college tuition.
  • How can more practical life skills be taught in high schools.
  • Ways to promote vocational colleges over traditional universities.
  • Methods that grade schools can adopt to promote healthy eating.
  • Solutions to reduce violence in schools.
  • Some ways to attract more qualified people into the teaching profession.
  • How to make math more enjoyable to kids.
  • Policies that can make learning more equitable.
  • Solutions for failing inner-city schools.
  • Best ways for college students to avoid debt.
  • Solutions to mitigate cheating.
  • The best way(s) for schools to support disabled students.
  • Solutions to stop drug trafficking in high schools.
  • How can inappropriate relationships between teachers and students be stopped?
  • Some ideas to enhance career counseling in high schools.
  • Policies for universities to train better grade school and high school teachers.
  • How to teach about different religions in high school without promoting any.
  • Ways to teach self-defense to high school students.
  • Policies to reduce high school dropout rates.
  • How to develop alternatives to standardized testing.
  • How can schools better accommodate teen mothers?

Problem Solution Essay Topics about Environmental Issues

  • Solutions to all the plastic in the oceans.
  • Policies to keep corporations from polluting.
  • How to encourage more people to recycle.
  • Policies that respect conservation as well as hunters and anglers.
  • Ways to increase the efficiency of solar and wind power.
  • How to deal with the increasing number of landfills.
  • Better solutions to oil spills in the oceans.
  • Policies that prevent invasive plant and fish species from entering ecosystems.
  • Solutions to poaching in Africa.
  • Best ways to extract rare minerals without harming the environment.
  • Solutions to protect rivers and lakes from farm runoff.
  • How to protect the environment while maintaining corporate profits.
  • How to limit suburban sprawl from damaging ecosystems.
  • Policies that ensure genetically modified foods are safe.
  • Solutions to save polar bear habitats.
  • Ways that zoos can be ethically administered.
  • Environmentally sound solutions to the global food crisis.
  • How to regrow forests in Ukraine when the war is over.
  • Policies that encourage eco-friendly farming.
  • How to reduce the negative effects of noise pollution in your life.
  • Solutions to stop the demand for exotic pets.
  • The best ways airlines can reduce their high carbon emissions.
  • How can average families reduce their high waste levels?
  • Policies to better protect parks from littering and pollution.

Problem Solution Essays about Health and Wellness

  • Solutions to combat teen obesity
  • The best ways to get regular sleep when you work a night shift.
  • Policies that can guarantee good healthcare for everyone.
  • How to overcome a plateau in your strength training.
  • Solutions to bring healthcare to isolated areas.
  • Overcoming high blood pressure in your daily habits.
  • How to make the most of a workout with limited time.
  • Policies that can reduce the spread of HIV.
  • The best way(s) to quit smoking.
  • How to reduce body fat through diet.
  • Policies that ensure pharmaceutical companies are ethical.
  • The best relaxation methods for mental health.
  • Policies that can identify and prevent depression in children.
  • Setting up an exercise routine for someone who’s never exercised.
  • How to do cardio exercise to lose weight.
  • Policies that can prevent waste in the medical industry.
  • What are the best ways to avoid the flu?
  • How to help a friend or family member with mental health issues.
  • Solutions for loneliness among seniors.
  • The best diets for cancer prevention.
  • Steps to decrease your bad cholesterol.

Problem Solution Essay Topics about Social Issues

  • Policies that can significantly reduce crime.
  • How to stop ageism in society.
  • How can the care in nursing homes be improved?
  • Steps that can be taken to reduce ethnic and religious hatred.
  • Solutions to overcome the social and political divide in America.
  • What are the best ways to integrate people with disabilities into society?
  • How to reduce drunk driving deaths.
  • Policies that can reduce animal abuse.
  • Ideas to reduce child abuse.
  • How to promote public transportation in America.
  • Steps that can be made to alleviate the effects of war.
  • Solutions to provide affordable housing for everyone.
  • Policies to reduce the effects of international scam artists.
  • How to reduce the opioid epidemic in America.
  • Policies that can get people off public assistance.
  • Some ways to reduce the stigma of drug addiction.
  • Steps parents can take to keep their children off drugs.
  • How to overcome vastly different backgrounds in the workplace.
  • How to make foster care better for the children.
  • Policies that address the problem of single-parent homes.
  • Ways to combat the problem of teen drinking.

Problem Solution Essay Topics about Technology

  • Ways to make technology affordable for everyone.
  • How can AI be available yet safe?
  • Policies that ensure our personal data is safe online.
  • Steps to take to keep your smartphone screen from cracking.
  • Ways that technology can improve failing schools.
  • Solutions to cyberbullying.
  • How parents can keep their children safe online.
  • How not to pay too much for a new computer.
  • Policies that can address the growing problem of internet addiction.
  • The role that technology can play in crime reduction.
  • How technology can be used to save the environment.
  • Steps you can take to ensure your computer doesn’t crash.
  • Solutions to bring the Internet to rural areas.
  • Ways to extend the life of your laptop
  • Policies that can increase technological awareness among children.
  • Ways to avoid becoming a victim of online scams.
  • Policies that protect intellectual property rights online.
  • Solutions to stop technological brain drain.
  • Ways to combat cyberstalking.
  • How to keep important digital data from being lost.

Now You’re a Problem Solver!

Now that you know how to become a good writer of problem solution essays, it’s time to apply your knowledge. With the background information provided in this blog, along with the 200 problem solution essay topics, you’ll be writing excellent essays in no time! I’m sure that you’ll quickly see that your essay writing skills are better than you thought and that you are now a legitimate problem solver.

So start writing, have fun, and good luck!

Elissa Smart Elissa Smart
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