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250 Descriptive Essay Topics to Wow Your Readers!

descriptive essay topics

If you’re currently in college, then you know that paper writing is a big part of your experience, and the better writer you are, the easier college is. If you’ve survived a couple of semesters, then you’ve probably written a number of different types of essays, including cause and effect essays, compare and contrast essays, and problem and solution essays. These are among the most common essays, but once you get into your second-year English courses, your professors will start to assign you essays that are a bit more difficult, like descriptive essays.

Keep reading this blog to learn what a descriptive essay is and how to write a descriptive essay. Then, keep reading for my 250 descriptive essay topics, arranged by category, that help you brainstorm.

What Is a Descriptive Essay?

The first place to start is defining what a descriptive essay is. Quite simply, a descriptive essay is an essay whereby the writer (you) writes about a person, place, thing, event, or concept. The goal isn’t to convince your reader of anything the way you would in most other types of essays, but instead, it is to give your reader(s) a clear image of what you are describing. With that in mind, it’s important to know that a good descriptive essay employs plenty of adjectives that appeal to your reader’s primary senses – sight, smell, touch, and taste – as well as their emotions.

Now check out these 250 descriptive essay topics to help you in the brainstorming process!

Nature and Landscapes Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the most beautiful animal you’ve ever seen.
  • What does ice water feel like on your skin?
  • How does morning dew affect you?
  • Describe what seeing the ocean for the first time was like.
  • Describe the most fearsome natural phenomenon.
  • What is the best-smelling flower in the world?
  • Describe the first time you saw mountains.
  • Why is the desert such a mysterious place?
  • Describe the difference between a dry heat and a humid heat.
  • How does a running river or stream make you feel?

Urban and City Life Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the most impressive city skyline you’ve personally seen.
  • What are the sights and sounds of a daily subway commute?
  • Describe your favorite park in the middle of a city.
  • Describe your favorite urban hangout.
  • How do the sounds of the city affect you?
  • What is living in a high-crime area like?
  • Describe the most beautiful urban architecture you’ve ever seen.
  • What is it like driving on a congested freeway every day?
  • Describe your favorite walking/ bike path in your city.
  • Describe how a person can be lonely in the middle of a city.

Seasons and Weather Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe what a blizzard is like.
  • What is your favorite season?
  • How do cold temperatures affect your mood?
  • Describe what it’s like to be in a flood.
  • Describe the first time you experienced snow.
  • What is it like to live through a tornado?
  • Describe how spring brings new life to the world.
  • Describe how bad weather ruined your plans.
  • What makes fall/autumn so beautiful?
  • Describe a heavy rain in the middle of summer.

Personal Experiences Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the scariest experience of your life.
  • What was your first day of college like?
  • Describe the most fun you’ve had with your family.
  • Describe the first time you broke up with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • What is the thing you regret doing or not doing the most?
  • How did your grade school experience shape your adulthood?
  • Describe the person who’s had the greatest impact on your life.
  • What was it like the first time you drove a car?
  • Describe your greatest professional success.
  • Describe what it was like when you were accepted into college.

People and Characters Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your favorite high school teacher.
  • Describe your best friend from childhood.
  • What is your favorite movie character?
  • How do your beliefs shape your friendships?
  • Describe a character from a novel.
  • What is having siblings like?
  • What is being an only child like?
  • Describe the most influential person in your life.
  • What is it like to be raised by a single parent?
  • Describe what it’s like to be the middle child.

Travel and Destinations Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your family’s favorite vacation location in your childhood.
  • What was your best spring break?
  • What is your top “bucket list” destination?
  • Describe what you think it’d be like to live on Mars.
  • Describe the sights and smells of the country/rural areas.
  • How much planning do you do for a typical trip?
  • Describe the biggest fish you’ve caught.
  • What is something you learned about yourself on a trip?
  • Describe what foreign travel is like.
  • Describe a stressful experience that happened to you on a trip.

Food and Cuisine Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the process of “smoking” food.
  • What is the best food at a county or state fair?
  • What is it like to have food allergies?
  • Describe your favorite meal.
  • Describe your mother’s cooking.
  • What is a food you hate?
  • What is your favorite foreign cuisine?
  • Describe the top dish in your region.
  • Describe eating raw fish.
  • Describe a food that smells bad but tastes good.

Art and Aesthetics Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe what you think is the most beautiful place on Earth.
  • How would you describe your artistic talents?
  • Describe how classical music makes you feel.
  • Why do you like modern art?
  • What do the cathedrals of Europe make you feel?
  • Describe the process of creating an oil painting.
  • Explain why beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Describe what makes a beautiful poem.
  • Why is ancient art inspiring?
  • Describe an interesting art museum you’ve visited.

Events and Celebrations Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your earliest birthday memory.
  • What was it like the first time you heard fireworks?
  • Describe your high school graduation.
  • Describe what it was like when your younger sibling was born.
  • Describe your favorite holiday.
  • How do you celebrate Halloween?
  • Describe your first day on a job.
  • Describe getting your driver’s license.
  • Describe the first time you made the honor roll.
  • Describe your best Christmas memories.

Animals and Pets Descriptive Essay Topics

  • What is the ugliest animal in the world?
  • Describe your first pet.
  • Describe your earliest memory of a trip to a zoo.
  • What is an animal you’re truly afraid of?
  • Describe a bad encounter you’ve had with an animal.
  • How do you approach unfamiliar dogs or cats?
  • What is the most interesting prehistoric animal?
  • Describe how you bonded with a dog.
  • What is an animal you dislike?
  • Describe the most beautiful animal in the world.

Emotions and Feelings Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe how you felt the first time someone close to you died.
  • How did you feel when your best friend moved away?
  • What member of your family do you feel closest to?
  • Describe what it’s like to feel loved.
  • Describe what it’s like to feel lonely.
  • What is something that makes you feel very angry?
  • How does religion make you feel?
  • Describe something that makes you feel confused.
  • Describe how you felt when your parents divorced.
  • What is something that you fear?

Architecture and Buildings Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the most beautiful church you’ve visited.
  • Describe your first encounter with skyscrapers.
  • How do the pyramids of Egypt make you feel?
  • What is the most impressive building you’ve seen?
  • Describe your neighborhood’s style of architecture.
  • Describe a scary bridge.
  • What would architecture on the Moon look like?
  • What would a city on the Ocean floor look like?
  • Describe the first time you saw medieval architecture.
  • Describe what a “Ghost Town” is like.

Music and Sound Descriptive Essay Topics

  • How has music had a positive impact on your life?
  • Describe the sound of fingernails rubbed across a chalkboard.
  • Describe your favorite type of music.
  • What is the coolest-sounding instrument?
  • Describe your least favorite type of music.
  • Describe the “soundtrack” of your life.
  • Describe how music “soothes the savage beast.”
  • What is the loudest sound you’ve ever heard?
  • Describe what snoring sounds like.
  • What is the hardest instrument to learn?

Sports and Recreation Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your favorite spectator sport.
  • What was your favorite sport to play as a kid?
  • Describe the rules of hockey.
  • Describe a perfect weightlifting exercise.
  • How has exercise impacted your life?
  • What is the best video game console system?
  • Describe your earliest memory of playing a video game.
  • Describe the sport of American football.
  • How do cardiovascular exercises strengthen your heart?
  • Describe an exercise you dislike.

Cultural Experiences Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the first time you met someone who speaks a different language.
  • Describe a friendship you have with someone from another country.
  • What was it like the first time you tried Chinese food?
  • How difficult or easy is it to learn a second language?
  • Describe a foreign TV show you like.
  • What do you think is the nicest-sounding language?
  • Describe an ethnic dance that you find interesting.
  • Describe the foreign country that you most want to visit.
  • What is the coolest foreign clothing style?
  • Describe the most beautiful place in another country.

Dreams and Imaginations Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe your number one childhood dream.
  • Describe your childhood imaginary friend.
  • What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
  • Describe how you can turn dreams into reality.
  • Describe a time when your imagination went too far.
  • How do your dreams change as you get older?
  • Describe a dream you had that told the future.
  • Describe a dream that you’d like to forget.
  • How has your imagination helped you in life?
  • Describe the process of how you visualize things from your imagination.

Technology and Innovation Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe how smartphones have made life better.
  • Describe how smartphones have made life worse.
  • How will AI affect us in the future?
  • What technology is the hardest to use?
  • Describe your earliest experiences with a computer.
  • Describe how automation became so important.
  • What does a software developer do?
  • Describe how the internet works.
  • Explain what 5G is.
  • Describe why Silicon Valley became so important.

Books and Literature Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe what makes a good book.
  • What’s the most important book in world history?
  • Describe what it takes to be a great writer.
  • Describe the best non-fiction book you’ve read.
  • How do writers overcome “writer’s block”?
  • Describe how writing has changed over the years.
  • Describe what it’s like to spend time in a library.
  • What’s the best fiction book you’ve read?
  • Describe the elements of a haiku.
  • Describe your favorite used bookstore.

Fashion and Style Descriptive Essay Topics

  • How have hairstyles changed throughout history?
  • Describe clothing styles in another country.
  • Describe your favorite pair of shoes.
  • What’s it like to spend time at a barber or beautician shop?
  • Describe the purpose of hats today.
  • Describe the clothes Cleopatra wore.
  • Describe what a sarong is.
  • Describe what a bindi is.
  • Describe the process of hair coloring.
  • What’s the best knot for a tie?

Historical Events Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Explain the process of building the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • How did civilians survive during World War II?
  • Describe how Alexander Great rose to power.
  • Describe Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the New World.
  • How did writing develop in ancient Mesopotamia?
  • Describe how the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki changed the world.
  • Describe how the iron was invented.
  • What was the greatest tragedy in American history?
  • Describe the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Social Issues and Awareness Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe a time you felt like a social outcast.
  • Describe what discrimination is.
  • How have social issues changed in your lifetime?
  • Explain how the death penalty is carried out.
  • Describe a minority group’s struggle for their rights.
  • Describe how men and women can work together.
  • Describe the problem of workplace violence.
  • How does drug abuse ruin families?
  • Describe how alcohol use is bad for your physical health.
  • Describe the process of adoption.

Hobbies and Passions Descriptive Essay Topics

  • What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
  • Describe the pastime of numismatics.
  • Describe your favorite TV show.
  • Explain how you started cooking.
  • Describe why you care so much about politics.
  • Describe your earliest memories of fishing with your dad.
  • Describe your favorite hiking trail.
  • Describe why you enjoy motorcycle riding.
  • What’s your least favorite pastime?
  • Describe your first hobby as a kid.

Everyday Objects Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the smell and feel of a book.
  • Describe the favorite car that you’ve owned.
  • What’s the most important thing you own?
  • Describe the home you live in.
  • How would you describe a computer to someone from ancient Egypt?
  • Describe the bar of soap in your shower.
  • Explain why you don’t like carpets.
  • Describe the interior of your apartment.
  • Describe a unique object you bought or found on a trip.
  • What is something that’s otherwise worthless that you keep?

Memories and Nostalgia Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe a family heirloom you possess.
  • Describe your favorite college or high school road trip.
  • Describe your favorite uncle.
  • What’s your first/oldest memory?
  • What’s your favorite memory of your grandpa?
  • Describe the time you stood up to the schoolyard bully.
  • Describe what the term “walk down memory lane” means to you.
  • How do you remember loved ones who’ve died?
  • Describe your best memory from grade school.
  • Describe the most embarrassing moment of your life.

Fantasy and Mythology Descriptive Essay Topics

  • Describe the most interesting ancient Egyptian god.
  • What’s your favorite fantasy role-playing game?
  • Describe the most powerful Greek goddess.
  • Describe your favorite fantasy TV show.
  • Who’s your favorite Lord of the Rings character?
  • Describe the coolest fantasy video game.
  • Describe the most intelligent Roman god.
  • Describe the fiercest Viking god.
  • Describe how fantasy can influence reality.
  • Describe your favorite mythological tale.

Get into Your Feelings!

Now that you know what a descriptive essay is and you have 250 ideas to help you brainstorm, you know how to become a good writer. Just remember, when it comes to writing a good descriptive essay, it’s okay to get a little emotional. In fact, expressing yourself is the key, so don’t be afraid to get into your feelings.

Have fun writing!

Elissa Smart Elissa Smart
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